Conditions of Entry

Conditions of Entry


King River Brewing
4515 Wangaratta-Whitfield Rd
King Valley


  • Entries close: Sunday 20th October
  • Delivery dates: Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th October, 10am-3pm
  • Exhibition dates: Saturday 2nd to Monday 4th November (NOT open on 5th November)
  • Opening date: Friday 1st November 7PM
  • Collection dates: Monday 4th November 3-5pm or Tuesday 5th November 9-11am


1. ENTRY FEE: There is a non-refundable entry fee of $20 per work with a maximum of 4 works per entrant.

All artworks must be the original work of the artist and must NOT have been entered in previous King Valley Art Shows.

: Artworks must be ready to hang with picture wire and flush D rings. To take advantage of our new hanging system we ask if possible that you also attach a further 2 D-rings 5cm from the top of your frame. (See image below)

4. LABELLING: All artworks must be clearly labelled on the back with the artist’s name, title of work, section (if required), medium and price (including 22% commission).

5. SIZE AND WEIGHT: The artwork entered (framed and unframed) must not exceed 15kg in weight and/or 1.2sq m in size.

6. DELIVERY: Artworks are to be delivered between 10am and 3pm on Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th October to King River Brewing, 4515 Wangaratta-Whitfield Road, King Valley.

COURIER: Art Hunter
Phone: 0404 434 008

7. COLLECTION OF UNSOLD WORKS: Please indicate on the Entry Form how artwork is to be delivered and collected. Artworks can be collected on Monday 4th November 3-5pm or Tuesday 5th November 9-11am. Artworks not collected will be stored at artist’s own risk.

8. CARE OF ENTRIES: Transport and insurance costs must be met by the artist. All possible care will be taken but no liability will be accepted by the organisers for any loss or damage to works of art.

9. HANGING SPACE: If there is insufficient space to hang all artworks, the organisers reserve the right to not display some works. However, all artworks will be judged.

10. The organisers reserve the right to reproduce works in catalogues and for publicity purposes.


11. All artworks must be for sale.

12. A commission of 22% will be charged on all sales. KVA Inc has an ABN (44 154 027 414) but is not registered for GST. A tax invoice and proceeds of sales will be forwarded to artists within 28 days of the close of the Art Show.


13. NOTE: Three dimensional, photographic, and digitally produced artworks will not be accepted. This covers all categories and awards.

All artworks will be judged for the Grand Winner, Judge’s Gem and People’s Choice award. All artworks will also be eligible in the categories that fit their medium and or subject, as follows.

  • Oil /Acrylic
  • Watercolour/Gouache
  • Pastel
  • Printmaking – any traditional printmaking medium (ie not digital or commercial)
  • Work on Paper – any other medium on paper (excluding above categories)
  • Other categories:
    • King Valley Theme – a work in any medium, of subject matter that evokes the King Valley
    • Local Artist – an artist who resides within a 50 km radius of King River Brewing.
    • Young Artist – an artist 25 years of age or under as of 1 Nov 2024.

14. The organisers of the King Valley Art Show reserve the right to not display any artwork including where the artwork is deemed offensive by the KVA Executive.

15. The Judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.